The Great Phuket
In Kunming, a city grappling with post-industrial transformation, 14-year-old Li Xing and his family reside within the remnants of The Great Phuket, the sole surviving structure in a neighborhood undergoing extensive reconstruction. Li struggles to find his place amidst the stark atmosphere of his middle school, with only one friend to confide in. His infatuation with the school’s most popular girl further complicates his teenage experience. At home, tensions simmer as Li clashes with his mother and rejects his stepfather. Seeking solace, he discovers refuge in the labyrinthine underground passages of old Kunming, where peculiar occurrences abound.
The narrative of The Great Phuket intricately weaves together the physical landscape of a rapidly transforming locale with the emotional terrain of youthful dreams and desires. As the characters navigate through the complexities of their surroundings, shaped by forces beyond their control, they each carve out their own path, discovering inner strength amidst uncertainty. Through the inclusion of elegant animation sequences, the film offers a tantalizing glimpse into unseen dimensions.
After graduating from Beijing Normal University, Liu Yaonan worked as set photographer, making-of director and assistant director. In 2013, he entered the Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Art de Bourges in France to continue his studies in contemporary arts and cinema. After having graduated in France in 2016, he returned to China and shot his first feature film The Great Phuket, premiering at Berlinale’s Generation 14Plus.
Red Lotus 2024
France, Hong Kong, China, Germany, Belgium 2024
97 Min | Color | Chinese with English subtitles
Directed by LIU Yaonan
Screenplay, cinematography LIU Yaonan Editing Clara SAUNIER, LIU Yaonan Sound LI Fan Music, production design Aurélien KRAFFT Costume design ZHAO Xuying
Cast LI Rongkun, YANG Xuan, YOU Junwen, LIU Huiyun, KANG Hang
World sales MPM Premium